March 18, 2025




We’re Not Done Yet!

Some fresh snow this week mixed with all that fabulous machine-made snow the Caberfae team created means one more good weekend of ski days remain. The kitchen will be open again this Saturday and Sunday with season-ending blow-out deals and great spring conditions can be expected. Lighten the layers and meet at the club this weekend!


No Bad News 2024/25 Volume IV

And that’s a wrap, folks!  Cabby has made the call that this weekend will be the grand finale of a great season. The 70-degree March warm up didn’t do the snow in, which will likely last for two months, but it certainly shifted minds to warmer activities. I can live with that.

Sue and crew will be having their annual going out of business sale which means the bargain menu will be in full effect, beer selection will be spotty, and dollars not spent on food and beverage will be happily accepted as gratuities for staff. Don’t forget they’ve been working hard all season so we can play.

My family just returned from a trip to Winter Park. It is one of the few large, western resorts remaining that seems to have some soul, perhaps because it is still miraculously owned by the City of Denver. Even so, upon return I couldn’t help but think my favorite place to ski is Caberfae – where the owner is shoveling out the ticket window in the mornings, ski patrollers are singing on the deck in the afternoons, and I get to be part of this really tight-knit group called the Caberfae Ski Club full of four-season friends. The vibe really does attract the tribe.

The first thing my kids wanted to do when we got back from Colorado was go skiing, of course.  It reminded me of a Warren Miller quote, “Exactly one day in your life your kid will ski as good as you do. The next day, he/she'll ski better than you.” I think I still have some runway on those days, but we are likely closing in on them from both directions.  

Thanks for entertaining my thoughts this year. Don’t take a single moment of this special place for granted, and I hope to see you all when the snow flies again. -SH


2025/2026 Caberfae Season Passes On Sale Now

Get early bird pricing for a limited time and pray for a snow year just like this one! Purchase passes HERE.


Check the Lost and Found Tub One More Time!

It’s that time of year again, clearing out the season’s lost and found items. Some gem remain, including a nice pair of heated gloves, two pr of skis, and miscellaneous clothing from a busy season at the club. Please double check your boot bag and your locker and secure any wanted items before they make the journey to a thrift store near you.


Double Parking is Allowed…But With a Catch

With so many people enjoying this great snow year, weekend and event parking can be full to overflowing. Double parking can be a solution but please make sure to drop your car keys with Sue in the kitchen so other vehicles can get out when they need to.


Parking Request for Truck and Large Vehicle Owners

The Club is busy and attendance at special events has been great! This also means a full parking lot many weekends. The Board is asking that the first two parking spots inside the gate, adjacent to the McKenzie Lodge, be CARS ONLY to avoid blocking the gate. This is both a fire egress issue as well as general safety issue for the parking lot. Thank you!



Kitchen Hours

Saturday  9:30am - 3:00pm.

$2.00 off all items of $5.00 or more.


Sunday  9:30am - until the food is gone!

Sue's famous end of season last day sale!!

(if you've experienced it you know it is a great way to try some new items

or your usual favorite at crazy prices & help empty the coolers & cupboards)


~ALL lunches include a cookie~


Bar Hours

Saturday 3:00 - 8:00pm

Come sit on the deck or at the bar & hoist a beverage to the Snow Gods

and Meyer team~thankful for the great season they've provided!!

*Notice for Bar Entry - Any member entering the bar during bar hours must sign in and show a photo ID at the bar. Any guests must also be signed in and introduced to the bartender. Only members may purchase drinks at the bar. A member must be present and pay for any guest drinks.



05/02 - Board Meeting, 5pm

05/03 - Spring Work Bee

07/05 - Summer Picnic


Caberfae Ski Club web page:

Calendar of Events:

Dinner Reservation Hotline:

Dinner Reservation Phone Line: (231) 920-6769 (Sue’s personal cell phone)

General Caberfae Ski Club email address:


Current Board Members:

Paul Waug, President -

Ann Elenbaas, First Vice President

Brian VanHaren, Second Vice President

Keenan Cooper, board member

Karl Hansen, board member

Nate Houk, board member

Chris Medema, board member

Mark Pikula, board member

Club Manager - Sue Egelus

Club Secretary/Treasurer - Jessica Danford -

Assistant Club Treasurer - Leah Elenbaas -

Additional Operational Support - Marty Manley

Club Webmaster - Scott Koenig

Club eNewsletter Editor - Tom Medema -