Caberfae Ski Club News



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2024-2025 SKI SEASON

Life at Caberfae - A Poem

Life at Caberfae


By Dennis Johnson

Former general manager,

Caberfae Ski Resort


It all started in 1936 and 1937 to note,

A Cadillac, Michigan famous ski resort,

With 580 acres to explore!


So many good years of skiing,

With friends and professionals,

At Caberfae!

It's Gaelic for Stag's Head!


It reminds me of a song.

Life is a Cabaret, old chum!

What good is skiing alone?

Come and make turns in the snow,

To meet your friends to show and glow!


Riding up the hill on the chair lift,

Swinging your ski tips to amuse.

As you reach the top to unload,

You bolt out of the chair to implode.


It's a quick skate with ski poles to push,

To reach the steepness with a quick arch

And block your speed to look like a pro,

Other skiers stop and stare,

To watch your smooth style with flair!


Life at Caberfae has been rewarding!

Skiing was always great!

It's time to show with glee,

And don't forget my friends,

You're skiing at Caberfae!


It's time for a ski Holiday!

Life at Caberfae, my friends!

Leave the booze till evening.

Ski like there's no tomorrow,

Enjoy the bright sun in the blue sky,

The cold breeze refreshing your face!


As I end this poem for my ski friends to see,

In honor of the past and present skiers,

we all agree,


Monty, Jim, Sperry, Bill, Brian, Larry, Johnny, Curtis,

Paul, Chad, Franz, Jack, Dale, Bernie, Bob, Ed and Karen;

With so many others to remember and make notes.

All gracing the hills with their various ski styles,

To ponder and to emulate from memory!

It was life at Caberfae, old chum!


This poem pays tribute to many of the instructors who spent long hours on

"Instructors" introducing the wonderful sport of skiing to so many grateful patrons

of Caberfae,


Monty Montague, Jim Wickham, Jim Sandberg, Sperry Claypool, Bill Richards, Bill

Smrekar, Brian Blanchard, Larry Walters, John Kelly, Curtis Martin, Paul and Chad

Williams, Franz Gabl, Jack Snider, Dale Crites, Bernie Bovee, Bob Meyer, Ed

Bosworth and Karen Violeeta Kunkel.


*This poem was sent to Dave Reiser. Dave thought it would bring back great memories. 

Larry Walters Article
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MacKenzie Cross Country Ski Trail
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